Our Best Baby Shower Gifts

Thinking of unique gifts for that special occasion is always a challenge, even more so when it’s a baby shower. Cute baby grows in the respective blues and pinks, and mountains of wet wipes and baby powder are all very well, but what about a baby shower gift that helps mum and dad by treating them with delicious and healthy dinners, whilst adding an extra precious hour to their evening?

1. Homemade Meal Delivery

The Flying Pan’s answer to baby shower gifts is quite simply a meal voucher for our scrumptious food delivery service. The voucher will entitle the expectant mum and dad with freshly prepared meals delivered straight to the home. Without compromising on nutrition and flavour, new parents can skip their dinner making responsibilities so they can spend more time welcoming their little one to the home and who knows, maybe sneak in an extra hour of much needed shut eye!

Our baby shower gift is ideal for any budget, as you can choose to purchase a voucher for two meals or two months. New parents can also choose when to have their meals, whether consecutively or whenever a break from the kitchen is needed.

Apart from our delicious meal vouchers, which you can order by simply emailing us, we’ve also included two other unique baby shower gift ideas that will help mum and dad in the kitchen and keep appetites satisfied.

2. Favourite Recipes from Every Mother

A great DIY baby shower gift is to collect the favourite recipes from all the moms attending the baby shower. These recipes can range from delicious homemade baby purées to those classic family meals.

baby shower ideas

3. Shopping Schedule

If you’re running on a serious budget, this is the ideal gift idea for a baby shower. The first few months of having a new baby in the home will always be stressful, and help from family members and friends will always be appreciated. The mundane but necessary task of grocery shopping can easily be done by others. Create an agreed upon schedule among friends and family to help with grocery shopping or any other domestic task and give mum and dad a break.


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